Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday May 4th A.M. Update

This morning's post shows how much the spath has continued to close from 8 p.m. yesterday until 6 a.m. today. The greenhouse is open for anyone that wants to stop in. The hours are back to the usual of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. I also measured the height this morning and it was at 58 and 3/4 inches. I did not measure it yesterday , so since the Sunday morning measurement, it has grown 3/4 of an inch. It still smells, but not like it did Sunday evening. You really have to be fairly close to detect it's aroma.


  1. Did you see any flies attracted to the plant while it was open? Does it have to feed in the natural way to survive or are you supplementing it's diet? You are doing some fascinating work. Thank you for your hard work you have made our lives richer.

  2. I only saw one fly around the Titan when the spath was open. I thought more would have been around it but there may not be many flies around due to our weather. I treat it like the other tropical plants in the greenhouse when it is in vegetative state (leaf), daily watering and weekly fertilization. While it has been blooming, I water it occasionally and haven't fertilized it at all. Thanks
